We Sell Weed Vaporizers

In recent years, the era of cannabis prohibition has come to an end in many places in the United States and around the world. Recreational use is now widely permitted, which has led to a proliferation of marijuana products on the market. 

One such product - a weed vaporizer - has been highly touted as a safer way to smoke marijuana. But before buying one of their own, many people have legitimate safety concerns and have had trouble finding answers to basic questions like "does vaporizing weed affect your lungs?"

Many people are rightly concerned about their health, especially as it pertains to smoking cannabis. The negative health effects of smoking tobacco are well known and well documented. But does that mean that smoking marijuana is also dangerous? 

There is a large and growing body of research on this topic, however, a lot of this information has yet to make its way to the general public. The short answer is no - marijuana does not present the same health risks as tobacco, but that doesn't mean that smoking it is entirely safe either.


When burned, cannabis emits smoke that contains some of the same kind of carcinogenic compounds as found in tobacco, but most researchers don't believe that marijuana smoking increases cancer risks in the same way as tobacco. Nonetheless, many people would prefer to err on the side of caution in this regard, which is why smoking has fallen out of favour.


With so many products on the market, there are lots of ways of vaping marijuana. But when it comes to finding the right product, it's on the buyer to beware.Recently, vaping was in the headlines because of a rash of lung injuries. But investigations found that a chemical additive - vitamin E oil - was to blame, not the vaping process itself. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "Vitamin E acetate should not be added to any e-cigarette, or vaping, products. Additionally, people should not add any other substances not intended by the manufacturer to products, including products purchased through retail establishments."

Consumers should be cautious about what kind of products they use to vape and carefully read the list of ingredients should they opt for some sort of concentrate. To take the uncertainty out your purchasing decisions, many people recommend sticking to dry herb vaporizers.

Vaping marijuana flower is the consensus pick as the safest way of "smoking" marijuana. By using only dry herb in your weed vaporizer, you can be sure that there are no additives or other unwanted elements present. Vaporizing marijuana flower gives you all of the benefits of cannabis without solvents, additives, or harsh combustibles. And it's easy to mix different varieties of ground flower so you can get the desired effect by adjusting the amounts of THC and CBD as you see fit.